
Being Vegan: Expectations VS Reality

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…Some other expectations that don’t match up with reality:
• Vegans don’t get enough protein. WRONG, it’s easy to get protein. Watch this:
• Vegan food is bland, boring, and gross. WRONG, like all types of food how you prepare plants determines how delicious it is. However, unlike meat which is hardly ever eaten without spices or raw, plants are delicious on their own. After all, spices are made from plants!!
• Vegans don’t meet their nutrient requirements. Actually, vegans get plenty of nutrients from nutrient dense foods like veggies, fruits, legumes, and grains. People eating a Standard American Diet are the ones suffering from lack of nutrition, not vegans. Vegans have lower rates of all of America’s top killers heart disease, cancer, and stroke. Read Dr. Greger’s book “How Not to Die” ,or watch his videos at on Youtube for more about the nutritional benefits of plants.

Okay, now I want to hear from you! In the comment section tell us what your vegan reality is like, or what your expectations are 💥

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