
28 Year Raw Vegan Now Eats THIS MUCH Cooked Food For Better Health

John from who has been living on a raw vegan diet since 1995 shares his thoughts on the ideal amount of raw vegan food and cooked food a person might want to eat for optimal health.

First, you will learn about if all cooked foods are toxic or bad. You will also learn about John’s goals with his diet and why he chooses to eat the foods he does. You will also learn that most people need to include more raw fruits and vegetables in their diet.

Next, John will share his thoughts on the ideal percentage of raw foods and percentage of cooked foods a person might want to eat to have the best balance of raw to cooked foods so they can get the benefits of each of these types of foods without being short-changed.

You will learn that not all cooked foods are created equal. You will also learn how not all raw foods are created equal and how some ways of processing raw foods can result in significantly higher phytonutrient content than others.

You will discover the BEST raw food processing techniques to maximize the nutritional value of the raw foods you prepare in your kitchen including slow juicing, vacuum blending, and vacuum freeze drying. You will also learn the best ways to heat process your food.

You will learn one of the many reasons why John started heat processing his food: to eat a little less fruit and include more vegetables and other foods that can provide his body with a wider diversity of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, and prebiotic fibers to feed his microbiome.

You will learn all the different types of foods that you should focus on when eating a plant-exclusive diet that is nutrient dense.

You will discover John’s views on supplements.

Finally, John will share an example day of what he eats in a day these days, which always varies and changes due to organic food availability.

Jump to the following parts of this episode:
00:00 Episode Starts
00:35 Are all cooked foods toxic??
01:01 My goal with my diet
01:45 Most people need to eat raw fruits and vegetables
02:01 What I eat – Disclaimer
04:22 How Much Raw Food Should We Eat?
05:18 How Much Cooked Foods Should You Eat?
06:15 Make Your Food at Home
06:28 Eat at Least 50% Living Foods
07:30 Eat a Minimally Processed Food
07:45 Eat Foods WHOLE!
08:50 Slow Juicing Better than High-Speed Juicing
10:00 Vacuum Blending Better than Traditional Blending
12:00 Freeze Drying over Dehydration
13:15 Low Heat Water Cooking over High Heat Cooking
14:55 Eat a Vegetable-Rich Diet
15:25 Eat a Wide Variety of Plant Foods
16:12 eat GBOMBS
18:02 Other Plant Foods You Should Eat
22:05 Supplements as Needed
23:44 What is an example of eating this diet style?
26:16 Don’t Over-Emphasis Fruit or this will happen
27:22 Why I don’t have alot of Bananas
28:00 Raw Vegetable Meal a Day
30:00 Use Cooking a Tool to Make your diet more nutritious
30:42 Why a Raw Vegan Diet works -What You Don’t Eat.

After watching this episode, you will learn the ideal amount of raw foods and cooked foods you should eat according to John. You will discover the ideal percentage and ratio of raw to cooked foods and the best ways to process these foods. You will learn what kinds of foods you should eat as well as an example day of what John eats in a day on his raw vegan diet.

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Referenced Videos
Are All Cooked Food Toxic?

Living Foods Outshines Raw Vegan Diet

Transform Your Vitamix or Blendtec into a Vacuum Blender

Kefirlab – Coconut Milk Kefir with over 100 trillion probiotics

Healthiest Apples on Earth with RED Flesh

Blood Tests for $5

Complement Vegan Supplement I Take

How to Avoid Toxins in Cooked Foods

Cooking Can Increase Nutrients in Food

Raw Vegan Now Eating Heat Processed Foods

How to Eat the correct balance of fruits and vegetables

Referenced Links:
Visit John’s Amazon Store for all the products he uses and recommends

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