
5 Health benefits of eating microgreens | Raw Vegan | Vegan Gains #vegangains #rawvegan

5 Health benefits of eating microgreens .

Hi there! Today’s video is about microgreens and their health benefits. Let’s begin! We’ve got great information to improve your health!

This video explains microgreens. We’ll discuss microgreen kinds and their nutritional benefits. Sound good? Let’s begin! Who should drink it and how often?
Did you know microgreens are nutrient-rich vegetable greens? Best of all, you can grow them on a windowsill with sunlight! Micro herbs are therapeutic superfoods, according to scientists worldwide. Did you know they improve food appearance, taste, and texture? They may even be healthier than sprouts!

The most popular seeds are from plant families like,

Cucurbitacaceae: Squash, cucumber, and melon.
Lamiaceae: Basil, rosemary, sage, and oregano.
Apiaceae: Celery, dill, fennel, and carrot.
Poaceae: Rice, oats, corn, barley and wheatgrass. Beans, lentils, and chickpeas.
Brassicaceae: Cabbage, broccoli, watercress, rocket, radish and cauliflower.
Amaranthaceae: Quinoa, Swiss chard, amaranths, spinach and beetroot.
Leek, garlic, onion: Amaryllidaceae.
Asteraceae: Radicchio, lettuce, endive, and chicory.

Who can eat it?
Microgreens are safe for most people except pregnant women, the elderly, and those with weak immune systems.

How often?
For best health, consume 15–20 pounds a day for a week.

Microgreens can cause deadly food-borne infections in pregnant women, the elderly, and persons with weak immune systems.

Let’s talk health benefits of consuming microgreens.

1, may reduce cardiovascular disease risk,
Microgreens include antioxidant and carotenoid chemicals that may lessen cardiovascular disease risk. In a study on animals, adding red cabbage microgreens to their diet lowered their LDL cholesterol and reduced their risk of cardiovascular disease. Microgreens are rich in polyphenolic compounds that reduce inflammation, improve endothelial function, and prevent platelets from clumping.

2, microgreens from four Brassicaceae plants—broccoli, kale, mustard, and radish—can limit cell development and fight cancer, according to a review in Antioxidants. Thus, daily consumption may reduce colon cancer risk. Green pea, soybean, radish, Red Rambo radish, and rocket extracts protect against cancer.

Polyphenols have anti-cancer benefits in several lab experiments. It’s fascinating how compounds affect each other.

I wanted to warn you that polyphenols like genistein and daidzein may cause hormone-related cancer. Thus, cancer treatment with polyphenols requires caution.

3, may be anti-diabetic,
Broccoli microgreens include bioactive chemicals that reduce the risk of chronic diseases including type-2 diabetes. Microgreens have more carotenoids and chlorophyll than sprouts and combat diabetes better, according to studies.

Fenugreek microgreen extract in water inhibits α-amylase, which breaks down carbs. This slows glucose processing and stabilises blood sugar.

4,microgreens contain plant polyphenols that can fight neurodegenerative disorders like Alzheimer’s disease, maintaining a nutritious diet can improve brain function and postpone or prevent Alzheimer’s disease, Microgreens inhibit cholinesterase. This central nervous system enzyme treats Alzheimer’s disease.

5, may lower renal disease risk,
Did you know high-potassium diets can cause renal disease? Hydroponic microgreens are a good food choice for kidney patients since they can be grown with low potassium levels.

Are microgreens dangerous?
That’s helpful! Microgreens are safe. They could get infected and make you sick.

To minimise contamination when growing microgreens at home, get seeds from a reputed provider. Disinfectants like chlorinated water help prevent microbial contamination, but how you grow your microgreens might determine their quality.

Nightshade plants including peppers, eggplants, potatoes, and tomatoes should not be cultivated or eaten as microgreens. They contain harmful chemicals that can harm you.

Microgreens increase flavour and texture and are easy to incorporate into your diet.

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