
Breaking the Raw Vegan Myth: Are ALL Cooked Foods Really Toxic?

John from shares his opinions on the statement “all cooked foods are toxic or poison”. In this episode, John breaks down this myth that is often repeated in the raw foods movement. John believes there is much dogmatism in the raw vegan movement and is here to share his opinions about the raw vegan diet after living on this diet for the last 28 years.

First, you will learn about absolute statements in the raw vegan movement. You will learn John’s thoughts on these statements. You will also discover How some raw vegans may be prejudiced towards all cooked foods and lump them all together in one category, when in fact, all cooked foods are not created equal.

You will discover John’s definition of raw foods, and how it was created to be inclusive vs exclusive.

You will learn how cooking or heat processing your food is one way to process food, that has been demonized by most raw vegans which they blame for failing health and some of the world’s problems.

You will learn the two different classifications of cooked foods and which one is healthier than the other. You will learn how the cooking time + cooking temperature + cooking method determines a food’s health and/or toxicity.

You will discover John’s Heat Processed Foods Continuum where he shares the healthiest and least healthy cooked foods in his opinion.

Next, you will about all the commonly accepted cooking techniques and the temperature that is used to heat the food using that specific technique so you can differentiate cooked foods from one another.

Finally, John will share the way he chooses to heat process his food using the shortest time possible to enable him to eat more vegetables, beans, grains, and mushrooms and eat a little less fruit in his diet.

Jump to the following parts of this episode:
00:00 Episode Starts
00:55 Are all cooked foods bad?
03:00 Problem with All or Nothing
05:28 Don’t Be Prejudice About Food or other things
06:31 What is a Raw Foodist?
08:00 When Cooking Food Toxins Can be Created
08:40 Don’t Get Dumbed Down!
10:02 There are Pros and Cons of Cooked Foods
11:11 Cooking is a Process like many other ways to process food
12:01 Two Classifications of Cooked Foods
14:20 Cooking Is Time, Temperature, and Moist or Dry
15:12 My Heat Processed Continuum
17:55 Differeante More vs Less Palatable Foods
19:00 Cut-off Temperature for Cooked Food
20:18 Sun Fired Foods = Raw ?
22:50 One Reason Why I eat Cooked Foods
23:40 Freeze Dried Foods
24:15 Dehydrated Food and Enzymes & Phytonutrients
26:20 Moist Heat Cooking Methods Lowest Temperatures
29:00 Pressure Cooking How I Cook
30:15 Microwave Cooking
31:14 Cut off Point
31:30 Dry Heat Cooking – Creates the Most Toxins
36:10 Are all cooked foods toxic?
37:10 Pasteurization Temperature
37:30 Heat Process Food Yourself

After watching this episode, you will learn more about the topic of cooked foods about the raw vegan diet and if they should all be considered toxic or poisonous, and how to heat process your foods if you choose to in the best ways possible to minimize toxins and damage to the food.

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Referenced Videos
How to Avoid Toxins in Cooked Foods

Labels and Being a Raw Vegan

Juicing is Bad but Cooking is Good?

Cooking Can Increase Nutrients in Food

The importance of your microbiome if your health is important

My Raw Vegan Microbiome Test

Resistant Starch on a Raw Vegan Diet

Raw Vegan Now Eating Heat Processed Foods

How to Eat the correct balance of fruits and vegetables

Referenced Links:
Visit John’s Amazon Store for all the products he uses and recommends

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