
Dr. Riz's Journey to Veganism: Leading by Example and Walking with Community Members | #shorts

In this video, Dr. Riz shares his inspiring story of going vegan and becoming a leader in his community. He discusses the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle and how it has positively impacted his life and the lives of those around him. Dr. Riz also talks about his involvement with the Walk With A Doc organization, where he walks with community members to promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

About Healthy Lifestyle Solutions:
You have more power over your health than what you have been told! This is the Healthy Lifestyle Solutions Podcast. I’m Maya Acosta, and I am passionate about finding healthy lifestyle solutions to support optimal human health.

If you’re willing to go with me, we can discover how simple lifestyle choices can help improve our quality of life and increase longevity in a big way. Let’s get started!

➤Get Started on Plant-Based Diet:

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