
“Environmental Benefits of a Plant-based Diet”. Speaker: Home Le'amohala

Revised version 9/17/14
Home Le’amohala says we can find some of the solutions to our environmental dilemmas on our own dinner plates! In our modern and complex world, the technological solutions developed to solve major problems, such as global warming and fresh water pollution, often turn out to be complications rather than actual solutions. Instead, these two environmental dilemmas could be best addressed with changes to our diet. Wholesome lifestyles that leave a light footprint on the earth benefit the environment and our future generations. We can gain insights into potential solutions for our contemporary conundrums by comparing these modern adaptations to our more “primitive” behavior of the past!

Mr. Le’amohala has been an ocean reef lecturer and whale watch naturalist, a snorkel and hiking guide, cruise director on the Navatek II, and educational director for Leilani Farm Sanctuary.
He also served a five-year internship with a vegan community dedicated to promoting planetary integrity. He is the president of OLA, the Optimum Living Alliance, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to promoting personal and planetary vitality. He is also the curator of Onipa’a Sustainability Center, a project of OLA dedicated to sharing the facets and benefits of sustainably directed lifestyle options. Presently, he is developing several books focused on evolving the human character.

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