
He Went Vegan For Health And Got Worse | Dr. Shawn Baker & Adam

Professional photographer and Associate Producer of the documentary currently in production “Healing Humanity: The Power of a Proper Human Diet,” Adam Lacy explores the health benefits of the carnivore diet through his platform, Carnivore Today, available on both YouTube ( and website ( Over a span of 9 months on the carnivore diet, Adam has experienced remarkable improvements including an 80-pound weight loss, eradication of brain fog, osteoarthritis, inflammation, gout pain, headaches, depression, anxiety, and plantar fasciitis. Additionally, he has seen complete healing from a six-year-old Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), reversal of vitiligo, clearance of adult acne, absence of sunburns, enhanced deep sleep, reduced sleep requirement by 1-2 hours, and elimination of snoring.

00:00 Trailer and introduction. Veganism leads to vitiligo.
03:15 Friend’s cancer inspired him to adopt vegan diet.
07:35 Decided to lose weight, through intermittent fasting.
10:13 Massive car accident involving 4 cars and steel-loaded semi.
14:48 Speech therapy improved memory, but stopped treatment.
16:36 Plantar fasciitis greatly improved within 5 days.
21:58 Starkly different diets: restroom frequency comparison.
26:02 Vegan to carnivore diet reduced heart rate.
28:54 Exercise was painful, but now it’s good. People at work noticed weight loss.
30:01 Months apart, noticed weight loss, reversing gray.
34:29 Carnivore diet for holidays, wife concerns.
37:06 Filmed Carrie, Maggie, and planning future shoots.
40:49 Choosing carnivore diet? Know your personality.

Transition or dive in, but be patient.

Promise: better after first week or two.

Recommend for everyone. Human = carnivore.

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