
I tried eating raw vegan food for 6 months – Fruit Diet Benefits – Fruitarian

I tried eating raw vegan food for 6 months – Fruit Diet Benefits – Fruitarian

It’s been 6 months that I have been eating eating only foods which are full of life force. So that means majorly fruits. Some nuts, greens and veggies but all raw, nothing cooked or processed.

In this video I will be sharing the benefits that I received from eating a life full of life forces i.e raw vegan food full of fruits. The benefits I received from eating this fruit diet which makes me a fruitarian is what I share in this video.

Is it shocking?

Lots of Saints in India in the past were eating only pranic food ie raw food. It’s the food of the Saints because through a clean and healthy vessel ie your body can reach higher energies of love joy and peace easily.   Yea right, if you are not sick you can be more joyful, loving and peaceful right. When you body is healthy, your mind is calm and you are not rude to people.

What about the protein?

do you know mothers milk has only (6%) of protein our of the total calories the child intakes as an infant. That’s the time when we need to grow the most, so if 6% is enough. 

No one has ever had protein deficiency. Do you know anyone.? No matter what diet you eat, you will always have enough protein in your diet. It’s part of the general propaganda that everyone believes we need protein from animal products. If you really look at the nutrition literature you will find 10% of the calories is more than enough for us. Excess of protein causes kidney problems, it also leads to leaching of calcium from our bones.

Of you wondering how my nutrition  meets are met then watch Entirely completely beautifully could be better I swear !

Check out the book 80 10 10 if you are confused about how can you get your nutrition from only eating raw food or fruits. I can cover that in another video.

You can also look at my muscles, which is more than an average female you would find who is eating a normally accepted diet.

So I started the journey with eating fruits and nuts only. And as the time passed by I started adding greens  and reduced nuts to a great extent. I was consuming cashwes, peanuts and almonds which I very very rarely eat or don’t eat at all. It because I felt the best with fruits and not so amazing with nuts. They are harder to digest, hence take more every and just overall I feel more awesome on fruits and greens.

Now I majorly eat fruits and some quantity of greens and very rarely I eat some coconuts. I also take cocount water and drink lot of juices everyday.

My uncle who is an allopathic doctor, druggimg people and making mostly. Don’t get me wrong some doctors are awssome too ! But he looked me with so much judgement when i told him are you sick ? Are you hiding some sickness. Ah that means it’s the healing food right!

Fruit has been used almost all kinds of natural healing diets. I haven’t had any sickness that I was trying to cure with my food but the fear of diseases is what I have cured by changing my diet ! I have been experimenting with my food just to see what works the best and I must tell you I haven’t felt better.

In Hinduism we also have 9 days of fasting period  two times a year where we are meant meant clean our body so that it heals.

Hippocrates said let food be thy medicine and medicine be they food. What’s heals you is the diet you should follow.

You can also check out Indian YouTube channel satvik movement where they heal health problems with majorly raw food and plant based diet. They do ask to cook a few things cos not everyone can  just drastically change to eating only raw food. It’s a big change in life style.

Healing happens through life force in our body. The life force which beats the heart, so as we stop puting toxins in the body, processed food, oil, sugar etc body is freed from the process of eliminating toxins and used the time and energy to heals itself..healing is the natural state of body. And that’s what we are doing by simplifying our diets..

If you want to try for a little while you can check out my video. If you transitioning in and out of raw food and other foods just keep the transition slow that’s advice.

Link to my previous videos –

I tried Eating Only fruits for 15 days

What happened when I stopped eating sugar?

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