
Investigating the Mysterious Colon Cancer Rise in Younger People

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A look at 30+ studies for answers on this colorectal cancer rise.
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Smoking vs Processed Meat for Early Onset CRC:

American Cancer Society Report on Trends:

#1 cause of cancer death in men under 50 and #2 in women under 50:

Smoking and Lung Cancer Over Time:

Yale Medicine Genetics Quote:

IBD and CRC Connection:

Lesions from Intestinal Bacteria Inflammation:

E Coli One of Main Bacteria Culprits:

E Coli Flesh Eatings:

Vegans lower E Coli:

Dramatic Diet Gut Shift in 24 Hours:

CRC Biomarkers in Polyp People Improve with Beans:

Beans, Proliferation, and Apoptosis Quote:

Advanced Polyps Recurrence and Beans:

Lower BMI Frequency and CRC Risk:

Human Colon Cancer Cells Exposed to Microplastics:

Colon Cancer Cells Higher Microplastics Content:

High Fat Diet May Work with Microplastics to Hurt Gut Wall:

Low Income Countries Higher Microplastics Exposure:

Protein Foods and Microplastics Content:

Early Onset Risk Factors Include High Cholesterol, Obesity:

Early Onset Risk Factors, Various:

Half of early onset CRC cases overweight or obese:

High Med Index Half the CRC Risk:

Swapping Animal for Plant Protein Lower Risk:

Plant-Based Diet Index Lower Risk:

Processed Meat by Race:

Twice Rectal Cancer with Higher Red Meat, Black Women:

Meat 2x Higher Risk, Legumes 0.5x Lower:

Processed Meat Intake Same in Recent Years:

Up to 50% Reduction in CRC Risk with Higher Fiber:

Lower CRC Mortality with Higher Fiber Increase:

Carb to Fiber Ratio Over Time:

African Diet Swap – Cell Proliferation Lower:

Cell Division and Cancer Risk Quote:

Alcohol and Early Onset:

Intro/Outro Song: Sedução Momentânea by Roulet:

#colorectalcancer #millennials #research

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