
Is Being VEGAN Worth It? Why Veganism Is NOT A Sacrifice

You give up a lot when you decide to live a vegan lifestyle, yet I don’t hear vegans say that it isn’t worth it to be vegan. On the contrary, the main regret I hear vegans say is that they wish they had gone vegan sooner. Is being vegan worth it? Or is being vegan hard? Too hard to stay vegan?

In this video, I lay out the reasons why I think veganism is not a sacrifice. Even though you give up a lot as a vegan you get so much more in return and that to me makes being vegan worth it.

Some vegans may disagree. They might think being vegan sucks. I explain why some vegans might forget some of the benefits of being vegan and explain why they may think veganism is hard.

Let me know what you think in the comments below. Is veganism a sacrifice? Or do you think veganism is easy? Or something else entirely? 😂

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