
Is Pasta Good Or Bad For Us? What Does The Science Say? Dr Greger

We know that refined grains are not good for us but about whole grains and in particular whole wheat pasta? Dr Michael Greger says we should try to de-flour our diets which means taking flour products out such as whole wheat bread. So what does the science and therefore Dr Greger say about pasta? Is it healthy for us or should we cut pasta out of our diets? Let’s find out!

This information, including but not limited to text, graphics, images, studies, audio and other material contained in this video or youtube channel are for informational purposes only. No material on this channel is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and treatment.

Here are the studies

Refined grain consumption and the metabolic syndrome in urban Asian Indians (Chennai Urban Rural Epidemiology Study 57)

Rice and noodle consumption is associated with insulin resistance and hyperglycaemia in an Asian population

Dietary carbohydrates, refined grains, glycemic load, and risk of coronary heart disease in Chinese adults

Dr Goldhamer On Wheat

Stock footage provided by Videvo, downloaded from

Dr Greger’s YouTube Channel

Dr Greger’s website

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