
Isn't Ghee Healthier Than Oil? | Animal Fat vs Plant Fat | Veganism | Q & A

Ghee is pure animal fat that contains cholesterol and saturated fat. It has no vitamins, minerals, proteins or carbohydrates. External sources of cholesterol is not healthy for humans as it causes an increase in our LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol) and a decrease in our HDL cholesterol levels (good cholesterol). This leads to the formation of plaques in our arteries to the heart which can cause heart disease. Ghee is NOT healthy.
Is oil healthy? No, it is not either. Despite being devoid of cholesterol it too contains saturated fat which can negatively impact our body’s cholesterol levels.

Both are clearly not healthy. But even if ghee was healthy it still does not contain anything essential that the human body needs. We can get all of our nutrition apart from B12 (supplements) and Vitamin D (sunshine) on a plant based diet.


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