
Muscle-Building Raw Vegan Diet: 2800 Calorie What I Eat in a Day

It’s been 245 days Raw Vegan and the food has been getting better and better!

I make sure I eat between 2500-2900 calories a day from predominantly fresh fruit and vegetation. The transition has been pretty smooth after coming from a juice cleanse (dm me for details) straight into a raw vegan/fruitarian lifestyle. If you’d like recipes let me know in the comments!

In this video I ate:

• I like to break my fast with melon or juice fruit and this day I had honeydew blended with ginger and mint#

• For lunch I love large salads with about a pound of soft lettuce and lots of toppings (about a 1/2 cup of each veggie) which is great for the gut microbiome!

• dinner I experimented with my dehydrator and some curry cauliflower which was really good and spicy

•Because the food I eat digest so quickly desert is always an option and banana nice cream is always my go to. This day I had banana, dates, sea salt and pecan nice cream!

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