
Pranayama & Breathwork Course Day 3: Learn Traditional Pranayama Techniques

#breathwork #pranayama #om #kundalini #yoga

00:00 What is Pranayama
05:28 How to do Kapalabhati Pranayama
08:19 How to do Nadi Shodhana
13:33 How to do Bhastrika Pranayama
18:12 How to do Surya Bhedana
20:03 How to do Sitkari Pranayama
21:41 How to do Bhramari Pranayama
24:58 1hr Guided Pranayama Session

Breath is Life!
Welcome to Day 1 of our 7 Day Pranayama & Breathwork Course.
In this Course you will learn a variety of breathing techniques from traditional pranayama to more modern breathwork.
Each Video is about 1 hour long so we have enough time to learn and apply all these techniques to give you a strong experience even right on the first day.

Nowadays we are giving so much importance to all kinds of diets , being vegetarian, vegan, no sugar or carbs etc.
But how long can you survive without food? or without water?
Right I thought so!!!
Stress, anxiety, fear, depression, addiction and so many other things just came from a wrong breathing pattern.
But you can get back control over your breath, over your mind and over your life by just learning a few simple breathing techniques.
It doesn´t have to be hours of practice! Just by a few minutes every day you can master your breath and get in touch with your higher self.
Experience JOY, BLISS, ENERGY, WISDOM, FUN and so much more with a daily Pranayama or Breathwork routine!

Precautions to take and don’t practice strong breathing or breath holds:
Pregnant more than 3 months
High Blood Pressure
Recent brain or stomach surgery

Free 7 Day Pranayama & Breathwork Course:

Join my 21 Day Pranayama & Breathwork Challenge:

Learn more Pranayama and Breathwork here:

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to contact me @:

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▶German Bank account:
Alexander Hartwich
IBAN: DE67 2004 1111 0143 0008 00
Music by Michaël Bijker / Life Awareness Project

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