
Raw Vegan Diet – Should You Try It? | Nutrition

Cooking food can improve its taste, but it also changes the nutritional content as some vitamins are sensitive to heat. However, while cooking may cause the loss of some valuable nutrients, like vitamin C, there are some vegetables which offer useful health benefits when they’re cooked. Dietitian Marcia Townend is here to settle the debate of raw vegetables vs cooked vegetables and whether a healthy raw food diet is recommended.

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Mums At The Table is the place where we share, laugh and dream together. It’s a TV panel show featuring real women; smart and sassy ladies with real lives, real families, real struggles and real joy. But Mums At The Table is more than a series of awesome videos. It’s also an invitation for conversation via our website and various social media platforms and an opportunity to dig deeper by reading in-depth articles and making our recipes and hands-on tips a reality. We want our viewers—no, our community—to feel a sense of friendship and belonging at Mums At The Table as well as sensing that their self-worth, their health, their relationships, their faith, and their worldview are being transformed for the better.

Produced by Adventist Media, Sydney, Australia.

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