

Hi everyone!
I’m so happy you’re here with me today sharing and growing together in this wonderful lifestyle.
Nothing has transformed me quite like the simple act of eating raw fruits and vegetables.
please comment below how raw food has transformed you beyond the physical healing.
Don’t for get to give this video a big thumbs up!
Thank you so much!

❤ For consultations or coaching inquiries reach out to me at:

❤ My website, learn more about what I do at:

❤ The music in this video:

❤ Check out the ebooks on my website. I have a freebie one that’s a fab 3 Day Smoothie Challenge as well as a High Raw Reset ebook that is sure to kick your wellness journey off in style and in an abundance mindset.

Want to keep up with me daily?

❤ EvaLovesRaw You Tube:

❤ If you’re loving my jewelry and want to check it out, my viewers get a 15% off discount!
Use Code Eva15
I get so many questions about my “Why I’m Vegan” charm necklace!
Check it out here:

❤ Minerals for your body, anyone? My viewers get a 15% discount on the best Irish Sea Moss! I’m crazy about this brand, as it is family owned and extremely high quality. Elderwise Organics’ Irish Sea Moss is bomb!

Use Code evalovesraw15

❤ Daily Green Boost
Throughout my entire journey as a raw vegan, I have used a fabulous food/supplement called Daily Green Boost. Guys, I cannot recommend this product enough! I add it to my smoothies for extra protein and nutrition and because they’re such a great company, Daily Green Boost has extended a discount to my viewers! Use code Evalovesraw for 10% off your order!!

#rawfood #rawvegan #rawveganlifestyle

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