
Thriving After Breast Cancer: A Whole Food Vegan Journey | Kelly Nardoni

In this episode, Maya Acosta interviews Kelly Nardoni, a whole food plant-based vegan and breast cancer survivor. Kelly shares her journey of becoming a vegan after her cancer diagnosis and her decision to explore alternative treatments and lifestyle changes instead of traditional chemotherapy and medication. She delves into the power of nutrition and natural therapies in healing and preventing disease.

Key Takeaways:
*The Power of Nutrition in Healing: Kelly’s experience highlights the potential benefits of incorporating whole food plant-based nutrition as a comprehensive approach to healing and preventing diseases like cancer. Her research and personal journey demonstrate that nutrition can play a significant role in improving health outcomes.

*Alternative Approaches to Traditional Treatment: Kelly’s decision to explore alternative treatments and decline chemotherapy and medication shows that options are available for individuals to consider in consultation with their healthcare providers. It emphasizes the importance of informed decision-making and personalized care.

*The Intersection of Animal Advocacy and Veganism: Kelly’s passion for animal rescue and veganism intersects with her lifestyle choices. Her commitment to animal welfare and personal health demonstrates the broader impact of adopting a plant-based lifestyle beyond individual health benefits.

Connect with Kelly Nardoni:

Note: The Vegan Women Summit is a conference dedicated to empowering and supporting women in the vegan movement.

About Healthy Lifestyle Solutions:
You have more power over your health than what you have been told! This is the Healthy Lifestyle Solutions Podcast. I’m Maya Acosta, and I am passionate about finding healthy lifestyle solutions to support optimal human health.

If you’re willing to go with me, we can discover how simple lifestyle choices can help improve our quality of life and increase longevity in a big way. Let’s get started!

➤Get Started on a Plant-Based Diet:

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