
Unbelievable! Kelsey Reveals How Veganism 'Ruined' Her Health… VEGAN DIET DISASTER

Kelsey was a vegan for years and during that time she says her health went down the drain. Kelsey is here to share with us hard facts on the vegan lie and how veganism ruined her health. She is an ex vegan and adopted a carnivore diet and then meat based diet to be heal the damages caused by a vegan way of eating. Of course she is no longer vegan!

Kelsey was a vegan and she was thinking she was doing great for years, until her health went down the drain. In this video, Kelsey is sharing with us the hard facts on the vegan lie and how veganism ruined her health. Listen as she shares her story and how she eventually gave up veganism and regained her health. She is an ex vegan who switched to carnivore to heal her health deterioration caused by a vegan diet.
Kelsey says that veganism is a hard fact and that it’s not the healthy lifestyle that it’s made out to be. In this hard-hitting video, she shares her story of how veganism led to health problems and how you can avoid the same fate. Watch this video to learn the truth about veganism and how it really affects your health!

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I’m Claire, a 39-year-old mom who experienced incredible healing through the carnivore diet. On this channel, I’ll assist you on your healing journey beyond just the scale. Through a high-fat carnivore diet, we can improve health and wellness by addressing common diseases caused by the standard American diet, such as autoimmunity, hormonal imbalances, and obesity. This way of eating also has positive effects on mental afflictions like addiction, eating disorders, anxiety, brain fog, and depression.
➡️ I’ve learned from renowned experts like Dr. Baker, Dr. Berry, and Dr. Chaffee, and followed the experiences of long-term carnivores such as Kelly Hogan, Maria Emmerich, Dr. Kiltz, Amber O’Hearn, Dr. Bright, Dr. Rimka, Sally Norton, and Georgia Ede. Their insights have shown me the healing potential of a carnivore or low-carb approach for weight management, anxiety, depression, and optimizing body composition.
Beyond a specific diet, I’ll explore various strategies and habits contributing to our overall well-being. This channel is dedicated to improving health and longevity through a holistic lifestyle. Join me on this journey and discover valuable content that supports your healing by subscribing to my channel and activating the notification bell to never miss a new video. Thank you for being a part of this community! 🔔

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🧭 Video Chapters

00:00 Introduction
01:27 Kelsey’s journey
08:18 fearing the fat
10:10 Vegan failure
13:14 how hard it is to recover for vegan health deterioration
15:07 hormones
16:25 contraceptive pill controversy
18:53 carnivore then meat based
22:15 carnivore or vegan intolerance
25:17 heavy meat and carbs not optimal
27:32 food reintro
29:17 fasting
31:24 do your own research
33:50 noreason2bvegan

#veganlies #nolongervegan #veganmythdebunked #veganism #noreason2Bvegan #vegan #carnivorevsvegan #veganvscarnivore #diet #vegandietdisaster #veganruinedherhealth #carnivorediet #vegandamage #veganconsequences #vegandietdeterioration #exvegancarnivorediet #meatonly #meatbased #exvegan #exvegancarnivore #veganbiggestlie #meatbaseddiet #NOvegan #veganunhealthy #lievegan #carnivore #vegandiet ##meatbaseddiet #veganpropaganda #BeyondTheScale #TrueHealing

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