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Disclaimer: None of the information in any of Robert Horovitz’s videos are meant to be interpreted as medical advice. This is meant to be for entertainment purposes only and to inspire.
^^Nutrient Dense Superfoods, Herbals, Supplements^^
SUBSCRIBE: Dr. Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND Bio:
More important than his academics achievements, for over 30 years, Dr. Robert W. Horovitz, B.Sc., ND has been dreaming of helping people. Yes, literally since the age of 5. After earning his Bachelor of Science Degree at York University in 2003, with a focus in Molecular Biology and Organic Chemistry, he completed the Naturopathic Doctor Program at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario in 2008. In addition to several years of clinical practice, Dr. Rob has given thousands of combined presentations, trainings, consumer lectures, and keynotes; education, inspiring, and learning from thousands of combined health professionals and leaders within the natural health industry, focusing on chronic disease and innovative natural health product distinctions. Dr. Rob is the author of HEALTH: Decluttering The Natural Health Industry & Rethinking Chronic Disease, which can be found here:

Additional Disclaimer:

*Dr. Robert W. Horovitz received his Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2008. Any mention or use of “doctor” or “Dr.” as it relates to himself refers specifically and only to that degree. Dr. Rob is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor in Ontario, Canada, yes does not currently practice or see patients.

*Please note that the information contained within this and all Dr. Rob’s (Dr. Robert W. Horovitz) videos/content is specifically for general educational/informational purposes only. None of the content here or any other of Dr. Rob’s videos should not be used to self-diagnose, and are certainly not a substitute for a visit with one’s doctor (full case intake, medical exam, cure, treatment, diagnosis, or prescription recommendation. Watching/listing/reading Dr. Rob’s content does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship between Dr. Rob and you. Please do not not make any change in your health regimen or diet before first discussing with your doctor/health care practitioner. Always discuss any changes or questions you have regarding a medical condition with your doctor/health care practitioner who is qualified. Be mindful that Dr. Rob is not liable or responsible for any recommendations (whether treatment or other) and none of the information contained within is to be interpreted as a diagnosis (including any product mentions of any type whatsoever).

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