
Vegan vs Carnivore Debate: Two Doctors, Two Diets Showdown

Vegan vs Carnivore Debate: Two Doctors, Two Diets Showdown

Are you unsure which diet is the best for your health? In this nutrition debate, we have two doctors with very different diets – Dr. Garth Davis, a bariatric surgeon and advocate for a whole food plant-based diet, and Dr. Shawn Baker, a proponent of a carnivore diet.

Here are the Full talks from both doctors:
Dr Garth Davis MD / plant-based Vegan:

Dr Shawn Baker MD/ Carnivore:

00:00 Carnivore vs Vegan Intro
00:44 Quick Intro
01:19 Dr Shawn Baker vs Dr Garth Davis
02:16 What foods does each diet consist of?
03:07 Is Fat a good Energy Source? Or are Carbs better?
04:03 What are the Benefits of each diet? Increased Metabolism?
06:18 More Protein for Body Fat loss?
07:12 Meat and weight loss? Or Meat and Weight gain?
08:08 Well… Nutrition Science can be inaccurate.
09:49 A diet for longevity
10:13 Essential Dietary Requirements
10:32 We don’t need Plants to survive
10:43 Is there an “essential” plant?
12:53 No Fiber, No Problem? Or No Fiber- Problem!
14:40 Can we predict health outcomes on diets?
16:07 Is there anything both doctors agree on?

In this discussion, we explore the merits and drawbacks of their respective diets, as well as the popular keto and vegan diets. You’ll also hear from a nutrition student and get (hopefully interesting) insights.

This nutrition debate covers a range of topics including weight loss, low fat, high fat, low carb, high carb, ketogenic diets, fiber, is fiber good or bad for you and much more. Tune in to see which diet these experts believe is the healthiest for you!

I hope you found this Video interesting, if you did, don’t forget to subscribe, like and leave a comment 🙂

Are you Vegan, Carnivore or Omnivore? Are you looking to change things up in your diet? Let me know in the comments.

Much Love,

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