
What is a Wisely Planned Vegan Diet?? Optimizing Nutrient Absorption for Longevity & Health

What is a Wisely Planned Vegan Diet?? Optimizing Nutrient Absorption, Avoiding ANTINUTRIENTS, and other tips for Longevity & Health

Mic the Vegan did a great video on antinutrients:

Supplements to Consider:

Phytates Starter Pack:


Sprout Lids:

Garlic/Onion mineral absorption:

Arsenic in Rice from the FDA (read it while they’re still funded…):


Algae Based DHA Supplement Options:

The Healthiest foods:

Ceylon Cinnamon and other Spices:

Frontier herbs:

Coffee and iron absoprtion:

Seaweed and iodine:

Iodine levels of seaweeds:

Enjoyed this video or found it informative and inspiring? Please do me a solid and LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, and ***SHARE*** with your besties (so you can still be making trouble together at 95!)

Follow me @lilykoihawaii #legitdelicious

Take responsibility for your health and well being… as proven, no one’s going to do it for you.
What’s this Lifestyle I’m talking about? Watch this:

Questions about Weight Loss, Calories, Nutrition, and Exercise???
Check out my Weight Loss Series:

Dealing with ACNE?! Check out my uber-comprehensive Acne Series:

Your best health and most content self is achievable through a healthy lifestyle, centered around abundant whole plant foods and genuine self-care. It’s achievable if you drop the excuses, cut the bullshit, and commit to your wellbeing as an important priority.

I also encourage us to acknowledge our inherent responsibility to protect our environment (currently being decimated by animal agriculture: the leading cause of green house gas emissions) and speak up for those who can’t speak for themselves: the billions of sentient beings who are tortured and slaughtered every year. OUR CHOICES MATTER.


Lily Koi Hawaii
on facebook

If you have any questions, please explore the links below, or feel free to contact me *in the comments section*!

Essential Documentaries:
What The Health:
Forks Over Knives:
Earthlings Documentary:
Speciesism Movie:

Plant Powered Doctors:
Dr. Pamela Popper:
Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine:
Dr. John McDougall:
The China Study/Dr. T Colin Campbell:
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn:

Animal Rights:
Meet Your Meat:
Animal Welfare:

Additional Resources:

Original Source Link

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