
Alicia Silverstone Interview VEGAN “The Kind Diet”

In her new book, The Kind Diet, actor and activist Alicia Silverstone explains her reasons for switching to a vegan diet, describes the many positive effects it has had on her life, and shares her favorite recipes!

❤ It is time for us to awaken; feel with our hearts and listen to our Souls. One of the most self-empowering, compassionate, and environmentally sound actions we can take to raise our vibration mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually, is to no longer create and consume the trauma of other sentient beings.

Ⓥ Mother Nature is telling us that we are Vegan Beings (Plant-Based Diet) – epidemic levels of disease and environmental destruction! At this point of our evolution, humans are biologically Herbivore/Frugivore:

If we want Peace in our World – Hearts-Minds-Bodies-Souls – why would we create and consume violence? Thank you for being and/or becoming Vegan so ALL may LIVE!
VeganVibes claims no rights to this video or its contents – for educational and enlightenment purposes only.

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