
Can a vegan diet produce better results in athletes?

Over 3 years after this video was released, Kholi clarified that he was vegetarian, not vegan. However, the video is interesting.
#ViratKohli turned vegan before India’s tour of #England and performed twice as well as anyone else. Sportspersons often adopt different diets to excel and what works for some, the exact opposite works for others. This video tells you what being #vegan means and how different sportspersons use different diets in an effort to be the best in the world. Make sure to see all your favourite personalities and watch the funny #limerick at the end on this November 1st, #WorldVeganDay

The Statesman
SNS Web October 7, 2018

Manne Ratnakar September 12, 2016

July 23, 2018

Tanya Flink July 5, 2018

Mark Critchely April 29, 2016; Paul Newman August 19, 2013

September 12, 2011

Men’s Journal
Michael Rodio

Economic Times

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Bisbo’s Limerick:
Don’t forget to watch Bisbo’s Limerick at the end of each video, that neatly sums up the topic.

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*Error Acknowledgement: By mistake, we have mentioned bowling speed in miles/hour in lieu of km/pr.


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