
Debunking Bozos Episode 2: Veganism for infants? NO!

You guys, there is no appreciable vitamin B12 in the plant kingdom. There’s also no vitamin K2, D3, or preformed vitamin A. These vitamins are essential for bone growth and development.

For brain development, DHA is crucial. There is no DHA in the plant kingdom, and most studies show that vegans consume low to zero amounts of EPA and DHA, unless they take supplements. While ALA found in chia and flax can convert to DHA, the conversion rate is poor. At best, your body can only convert 9% of ALA-DHA; at worst, your body converts 0%. * work cited below

I DO NOT recommend a vegan diet for any person (regardless of age) but it seems to be especially dangerous for infants and children.

What do you think?

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