
Debunking the Raw Vegan Myth: Are Cooked Foods Really Addictive?

John from who has been living on a raw vegan diet since 1995 shares his thoughts about cooked foods being addictive and if all cooked foods are addictive as some raw vegans claim.

In this eye-opening episode, viewers are taken on a journey of revelation and personal transformation as John delves into the controversial topic of cooked food addiction within the context of raw veganism. Through candid reflections and scientific insights, viewers learn that the assertion that all cooked foods are addictive is not as clear-cut as it may seem.

John shares his experiences transitioning from a strict raw vegan diet to incorporating some cooked foods after 25 years, challenging common beliefs within the raw vegan community.

Viewers are exposed to the nuances of food addiction, as the speaker navigates through published studies and personal anecdotes to shed light on the complexities of human dietary habits. The episode delves into the science behind ultra-processed foods, highlighting their parallels with addictive substances and their potential impact on health and well-being.

Through this exploration, viewers gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing food addiction and the importance of considering the broader implications of dietary choices on both personal health and the microbiome.

Ultimately, viewers are empowered to question prevailing narratives and make informed decisions about their dietary habits. By unraveling the myths surrounding cooked food addiction and raw veganism, the episode encourages viewers to adopt a more holistic approach to nutrition, one that balances scientific evidence with personal experience and acknowledges the dynamic interplay between diet, health, and microbiome.
After watching this episode you will learn if all cooked foods are addictive and how some raw vegan foods can also potentially be more addictive than others.

Jump to the following parts of this episode:
00:00 Episode Starts
00:25 Are Cooked Foods Addictive?
01:44 I never lost my addiction to cooked foods.
02:18 Not all Cooked Foods are Created Equal
02:50 How is your food processed?
03:20 Why do I eat heat-processed foods?
03:50 We live a human-centric life
04:44 We need to eat for our microbes
06:45 Is Food Addictive? A Review of the Science
07:36 Ultra-processed Foods Are Addictive
08:50 I don’t recommend cooking food like this
09:32 Dietary Evolutionary Mismatch – The Pleasure Trap
13:52 How Foods Are Similiar to Addictive Drugs
15:09 Why are Some foods More Addictive?
16:52 Which foods are addictive?
18:37 Refined Carbohydrates Can be Addictive
19:39 Are you overeating fruit?
20:11 Is Fat Addictive?
21:00 Refined Carbohydrates Plus Fat are Unnatural
22:07 Are Raw Food Deserts Addictive ??
23:18 Some Raw Foods Get Close to being an ultra-processed food
24:00 Are Dates Good on a Raw Vegan Diet?
25:50 Why are ultra-processed foods addictive?
27:33 Salt is it addictive?
28:52 What foods are not addictive?
29:33 Why Raw Vegans can run into problems if they eat cooked foods
30:38 Conclusion of this Study
31:45 Not all cooked food is ultra processed
32:20 Raw Food Preparation Techniques that make food more like ultra-processed foods
33:49 Make friends with your microbiome
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Published Studies:
Is Food Addictive? A Review of the Science

Original Source Link

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