
Easy Delicious Vegan Meals We (Non Vegans) LOVED! Frugal Living! Save Money On Food!

Save Money! Frugal Living! Easy, delicious, frugal vegan meals! We prep, cook, and taste along with you! Insta-Pot Smoky Black Eyed Peas and Collards! Grillable Veggie Burgers! Early retirement debt and mortgage free couple shows you how you can have an abundant and full life with less money! Living a debt free life is possible by simple budgeting and not over spending! Debt free living is within reach!

Insta-Pot Smoky Black Eyed Peas

Grillable Veggie Burgers-

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Frugal Money Saver
P.O. Box 256
Jefferson Valley, NY 10535

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