
How to make life changing vegan ragu | Best restaurant in Lisbon

Best restaurant in Lisbon according to me. Who doesn’t love Italian food? In this video Alex shows you how he makes vegan ragu bolognese that taste incredible while talking about life as a vegan Italian in Lisbon.

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00:00 Intro
00:24 Cajsa describing the place
01:00 Alex explains why he loves ragu
01:51 Sofritto – the base
02:45 Other italians, how do they react?
03:14 About the spot in Alfama
04:12 The tomato sauce
06:46 An italian vegan in Lisbon. Why?
07:16 Time for the soy (fake meat)
09:59 Why Lisbon?
10:45 Change the traditions
11:33 The mix
13:53 Why vegan?
14:44 Spagetti with ragu
16:14 Alex about his love for food
17:02 Spagetti with ragu cont’d.
17:48 Ready to eat! Boun Apetito!
18:20 The future is vegan
19:13 Outro and easter egg (if you read this far – congrats!)

I made this film about Alex and Cajsa when I was in Lisbon in november 2022. We had dinner at their restaurant on the friday night of our trip.
After service we sat down with them, had lots of home made limoncello and just talked about everything from vegan food to ancient philosophers.
I ended the night saying: “I have to make a film about you”.

So two days later we met at the place, at 2pm and started filming Alex making the ragu. We had a super fun day, with lots of talking and red wine.

This place is one of a kind. If you are in Lisbon. Go there!
For me, it was the best italian food I ever had. Vegan or not.

I had the lasagna.

Find out more about the restaurant here:
Totally uncut version for EXTREME PASTA LOVERS here:

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