
Vegan Since Birth, National Health Association President Mark Huberman | HLS Podcast

We’re about to get a lesson from Mark Huberman on the genuine history of the whole food plant-based diet. Pay attention to this episode and learn more about forming relationships with like-minded individuals, getting background information about plant-based diets, and participating in interactive activities offered on their annual cruises.

Key takeaways to listen for:
*National Health Association: Sole purpose, offerings, and annual vegan cruises
*What you need to know about the whole food plant-based movement
*Amazing benefits of growing up on raw food diets
*NHA recommendations on raw food diet consumption
*Things to expect about the 2022 NHA annual conference and Alaskan cruise
*Advantages of adapting to a whole food plant-based diet while you’re younger

Resources mentioned in this episode
*Registration for the 2022 NHA Annual Conference – Livestream Option on June 24-26:

About Mark Huberman
Mark Huberman currently serves as President of the National Health Association and Editor of Health Science Magazine. 

He has been consuming an exclusive whole plant food diet since his birth in 1951. He enjoyed a 100% raw food diet for the first 32 years of his life. He is a retired attorney and family law magistrate. Mark and his wife, Wanda, have three daughters and one granddaughter.

Connect with Mark

Website: National Health Association
Facebook: Mark Huberman
Youtube: National Health Association
About Healthy Lifestyle Solutions:
You have more power over your health than what you have been told! This is the Healthy Lifestyle Solutions Podcast. I’m Maya Acosta, passionate about finding healthy lifestyle solutions to support optimal human health.

If you’re willing to go with me, we can discover how simple lifestyle choices can help improve our quality of life and increase longevity in a big way. Let’s get started!

➤Get Started on a Plant-Based Diet:

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Thanks for watching Vegan Since Birth, National Health Association President Mark Huberman | HLS Podcast

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