
Veganism Debunked: Myths About a Vegan Lifestyle

“I could never eat vegan food.”

“Almond milk is too expensive so I can’t go vegan.”

“I hate salads so I can never be vegan.”

Over nearly 7 years of being vegan, I’ve heard such lines over and over again, so here’s busting some myths about a vegan lifestyle:

👉🏼 A lot of what we already eat is either vegan or can easily be made vegan. Homemade Indian food like dal, sabzi, roti, rice, chutneys, poha, upma, idli, dosa, sambar, pakoras, pao bhaji, paranthas etc. Comfort food like smoothies, pasta, hummus, sandwiches, burritos, momos, noodles etc. Just skip the butter, cheese and ghee.

👉🏼 I’m not sure how they became correlated, but we REALLY don’t need to consume almond milk to be vegan! I like to make my own oat milk sometimes (as easy as soaking and grinding oats) or have oat / walnut / pistachio / cashew / rice / almond milk as an occasional treat. But I have plenty to eat and drink without needing any kind of milk.

👉🏼 I hate salads too, unless they are really creative or made with fresh organic produce. But that’s the beauty of being vegan – once you get creative, there are so many more fulfilling ways to consume veggies, fruits, seeds, nuts, herbs and leafy greens. Just scroll through the #veganrecipes hashtag on social media, and I promise your mouth will be watering!

👉🏼 Ultimately, veganism is a commitment to cause the least possible amount of animal suffering through our food and lifestyle. When I miss something I used to eat in my non-vegan life, I ask myself: “Is a few minutes of my pleasure worth the death or lifelong misery of an innocent, sentient being, who is capable of feeling pain and joy?”

👉🏼 It’s shocking to acknowledge our own innate speciesism (trust me, I know) – but we must. We must ask why we are taught to love some animals, and be okay with killing, mutilating, imprisoning, depriving and causing pain to others?

Your turn – have you ever considered a vegan lifestyle? Why or why not?

#vegansofindia #veganfood #veganism

Why I turned vegan:

Tips to transition into a vegan lifestyle:

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