
Woman Cures Ankylosing Spondylitis on a Raw Vegan Diet | Subah Saraf | Satvic Movement

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Recently, I interviewed Lydia Cronin, who reversed ankylosing spondylitis after adopting a raw-plant based diet.

Her disease had reached a stage where she lost her ability to walk and was put in a wheelchair. She was also diagnosed with multiple other health problems including metal toxicity, Hashimoto’s and mould in her body.

Soon after, she went to Hippocrates Health Institute and made a massive shift in her diet and lifestyle. She adopted a 100% raw, plant-based diet. She gave up all sorts of meat, dairy, processed & refined foods and started eating raw, organic, plant-based meals consisting of leafy sprouts, green vegetables, and lots of green juices. She also drank 120 ml of wheatgrass juice twice a day (60 ml, twice a day). She detoxed her body with colonics and enemas. Most importantly, she changed her mindset and got rid of the stresses in her life.

After 5 months on this diet and lifestyle, she no longer had the diseases she had been suffering from.

Lydia’s story serves as another example showing that Nature can truly heal us if we give her a chance!


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What is Satvic Movement?

Satvic Movement is a non-profit health education platform, formed with an aim to bring man close to Mother Nature. We provide holistic knowledge about health, coming from our vedas & scriptures.

This ancient Vedic knowledge is meticulously captured and translated into ‘easily adaptable habits’ for today’s modern lifestyle. We deliver this knowledge to you through our Health Transformation Workshops, YouTube videos and our Food Book.

Following the Satvic lifestyle empowers you to become your own doctor. You live a life of optimal health and automatically cure all chronic diseases you might be suffering from – simply by changing your food & lifestyle. Let’s come together and save the planet from ever increasing diseases. Let’s create a Health Movement. We call it Satvic Movement.


Disclaimer – The information contained on Satvic Movement channel is provided for general and educational purposes only and must never be considered a substitute for medical advice from a qualified medical professional. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription medicines, are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals before beginning any nutrition or lifestyle programme. Satvic Movement does not take responsibility for possible health consequences for any person following the information in the educational content.

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