
Can a Plant-Based Diet Reverse Chronic Diseases? with Dr. Jennifer Chronis | San Diego Health

Plant-based options for many types of food seem to be everywhere, from veggie burgers and oat milk to dairy-free cheese and yogurt made from soy or nuts. In this video, San Diego Health host Susan Taylor talks with family medicine physician Jennifer Chronis, MD, about the health benefits of plant-based diets. Learn more:

0:30 – What is a plant-based diet?
0:46 – What are the different plant-based diets?
1:20 – How do you get creative with recipes?
1:46 – What would someone on a plant-based diet eat in a day?
2:10 – What are the health benefits of a plant-based diet?
2:45 – How much weight can you lose by doing a plant-based diet?
3:09 – How do you get your protein on a plant-based diet?
3:30 – Are there any risks to doing a plant-based diet?
3:56 – Who can benefit from the plant-based diet?
4:17 – Is there anyone that should not go on a plant-based diet?
4:48 – What should you consider before starting a plant-based diet?

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