

What’s going on everyone! Today I have something different for you all, a super quick, creamy cashew VEGAN pasta – this tastes AMAZING.

The pasta and toppings
– 3 servings of pasta (pre-cook this for 10 minutes in salted boiling water)
– Keep half a cup of starchy water from the cooked pasta to the side
– Handful of chopped basil
– Half a chopped onion
– Handful of chopped spinach
– 1 cup of frozen/thawed garden peas

The sauce
– 1 cup cashew nuts
– 200ml non-dairy milk of your choice (dairy can be used if necessary)
– 2 teaspoons salt
– 2 teaspoons black pepper
– Pinch of saffron
– 1 red chilli
– 2 cloves of garlic

Chuck all of the above into a blender and blitz until it forms a smooth creamy paste – if your paste is too thick add some more non-dairy milk, if it’s too runny add some more cashews!

In a pan, sauté the chopped onions in some oil until golden brown. Add in the blended pasta sauce and simmer for 2 minutes (be wary, this thickens up real quick). Stir in the starch water to make your sauce more runny if necessary. Add in the cooked pasta and give it a solid mix. Take off the heat and add in the peas, spinach and basil. Garnish with black pepper. VOILA.

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Music: Guts – Daddy Sweet Feat. Pat Kalla (Official Audio)

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