
I DON’T Get Enough Protein as a Vegan?? | Vegan Day 2

Protein Breakdown:
Breakfast 21.5g protein
– 1/2 avocado 1.5g
– Pita bread 4g
– Lentils 9g
– Hummus 7g

Lunch 13.9g protein
– 2 Tostadas 2g
– Hummus 2.4g
– Tomato Rice 4.5g
– Cauliflower Lentil Salad 5g

Dinner 17g protein
– Cauliflower Lentil Salad 5g
– Edamame 10g
– Tomato Sauce 2g

Fruits 1.8g protein
Banana 1.3g
Apple 0.5g

Vegan Recipes Made in this Video:
In a food processor, blend:
– ¼ cup lemon juice
– ¼ cup tahini
For 1 minute. Scrape the sides and blend for another 30 seconds.
Then add:
– 1 minced garlic clove
– 2 tbsp olive oil
– ½ tsp cumin
– ½ tsp of salt
Blend for 30 seconds, scrape the sides, and blend for another 30 seconds.
After, add:
– 1 can of chickpeas
And blend until somewhat smooth.
Finally, slowly add:
– 2-3 tbsp of aquafaba or water
Until hummus reaches desired consistency.

Last Second Spaghetti
First, combine in a pot:
– 1 cup frozen edamame
– 1 cup cauliflower lentil salad
– 1 cup tomato sauce
Stir over heat until hot, then add:
– a small handful of noodles

Previously Meal Prepped Vegan Recipes For Everything Else That Was Used:
Mediterranean Roast Vegetables
– Whatever bite size chopped vegetables you like (broccoli, asparagus, squash, zucchini, cauliflower), enough to fill a large pan/tray
– 1 tbsp of mediterranean herbs mix
– 1 tbsp oil
– ½ tsp salt
– ¼ tsp black pepper
Mix together, Roast in 425°F oven for 15-20 minutes

Cauliflower Lentil Salad (Personally, I’m not a fan)
First prepare:
– 1 cauliflower, chopped and roasted at 425°F for 15-20 minutes
– 2 cups cooked lentils
– ¼ cup crushed nuts (I prefer cashews)
Then, mix together in a separate bowl:
– ¼ cup olive oil
– 3 tbsp lemon juice
– 1 tsp garlic powder
– 1 tsp cumin
– 1 tsp paprika
– ½ tsp salt
– ¼ tsp red pepper flakes
– 2 twists of black pepper
– ½ cup chopped parsley
Finally, toss everything together.

Vegan Tomato Rice (My first try came out too wet so beware of water content)
First, combine:
– 1 cup brown or white rice
– 1 tbsp veggie bouillon
– 2 cloves minced garlic
– 1 chopped tomato
– 1 tbsp tomato puree/sauce
Then, fill water in the rice cooker until below the 1 cup line and cook.

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