
Is a Plant-based Diet Better for Athletes? | The Nutritarian Diet | Dr. Joel Fuhrman

More and more professional athletes from a wide range of sports have adopted a Nutritarian style of eating. They are not all vegan Nutritarians, but they have sworn off processed foods, minimized animal products and are eating lots of veggies, beans, nuts and seeds. — Dr. Joel Fuhrman

Athletes typically need more protein than the average individual because they are regularly breaking down and repairing muscle tissue due to the physical demands of their sport or activity. But should someone who’s running a half or full marathon worry about their protein intake on a plant-based diet? No, of course. And should you still believe that plant protein cannot match the amino acid profiles of animal proteins, listen up. Here’s Dr. Fuhrman for what an adequately designed diet looks like that will sustain an endurance athlete and more.

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