
Plant-Based Diet Lowers Risk of Severe Infection By 73% | Dr. Sara Seidelmann

People who eat a plant-based diet appear to have a greater immune response to COVID-19 than those who eat a high-fat, low-carb diet such as keto. The lead researcher of a massive study of thousands of people from six countries explains how they were able to determine people eating a plant-based diet were 73% less likely to experience a severe case.

The study was led by Dr. Sara Seidelmann, who is on the front line of research examining the connection between diet and lifestyle and the risk of infection.

Dr. Seidelmann joins “The Weight Loss Champion” Chuck Carroll to discuss what the results mean for fighting and preventing diseases in the future. Because the study looked at the diet and lifestyle habits of doctors and health care workers, the ramifications could be massive!

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Physicians Committee

Chuck Carroll

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