
Plant-Based Recipe: Ensalada Azteca

Made with quinoa, black beans, and mangoes this vibrant dish from the The China Study Cookbook is perfect for summertime meals.

Find the complete recipe here:

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At the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies, we believe that you have the right to better health and better information. We advocate for evidence-based education and resources. The cornerstone of this education is our Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate program in partnership with renowned online educator, eCornell. We also offer a wide variety of plant-based resources through our website including hundreds of articles, recipes, videos and more. To learn more visit our website:

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The Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded by Dr. T. Colin Campbell, co-author of the internationally best-selling book The China Study. Our mission is to promote optimal nutrition through science-based education, advocacy, and research. By empowering individuals and health professionals, we aim to improve personal, public, and environmental health.

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