
The pros and cons to a plant based diet

In this video I investigate some of the claims about plant-based diets. We start by clarifying what this even means; is it the same as veganism? What are the dangers of consuming animal protein, or could there be some benefits? What benefits are there of eating a PBD? What effects do our dietary choices have on the environment? Finally, I give some recommendations as to some differences we should all try to be making for both human and planetary health.

Notable references:

Bernstein, A., Major Dietary Protein Sources and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease in Women. Circulation. 2010;122: 876–883
doi: 10.1161/CIRCULATIONAHA.109.915165

Bradley C. Johnston et al. Unprocessed Red Meat and Processed Meat Consumption: Dietary Guideline Recommendations From the Nutritional Recommendations (NutriRECS) Consortium. Annals of Internal Medicine, 2019 DOI: 10.7326/M19-1621

Dyer, O., New red meat guidelines are undermined by undisclosed ties and faulty methods, say critics. BMJ 2019;367:l6001.

International Society of Sports Nutrition Symposium, June 18-19, 2005, Las Vegas NV, USA – Symposium – Macronutrient Utilization During Exercise: Implications For Performance And Supplementation. J Sports Sci Med. 2004 Sep; 3(3): 118–130.

IPCC, 2013: Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

Orlich, M., Vegetarian Dietary Patterns and Mortality in Adventist Health Study 2. JAMA Intern Med. 2013 Jul 8; 173(13): 1230–1238. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.6473

Patel, H., Chandra, S., Alexander, S. et al. Plant-Based Nutrition: An Essential Component of Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Management. Curr Cardiol Rep (2017) 19: 104.

Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Vegetarian Diets.

Song, M. et al, Animal and plant protein intake and all-cause and cause-specific mortality: results from two prospective US cohort studies. JAMA Intern Med. 2016 Oct 1; 176(10): 1453–1463. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2016.4182

Willett. W, Rockstrom. J, Loken. B et al, 2019, Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on healthy diets from sustainable food systems, The Lancet Commisions, 393 (10170), pp 447-492.

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