Smoothies & Juices

3 Heartwarming Winter Juices – Delicious, Healthy & Easy to Make

3 wholesome and yummy juices that are perfect for the winter season. With fruits that are in season during the winter, these juices not only taste amazing, but they also provide various health benefits to keep you warm and healthy during the chilly months. Whether you’re looking for a delicious way to start your day, or a comforting beverage to enjoy in the evenings, these 3 heartwarming juices will not disappoint. So grab your juicer and let’s get juicing!

🥕Immune Boosting Orange Juice🍊
5x Oranges
2x Carrots
2x Apples
1x Lemon
3cm. Ginger

💗Pink Nutrient Boost🍎
3x Pomegranate
5x Oranges
2x Apples

❤️Bloody Orange Piña Juice🍍
1x Pineapple
4x Blood Oranges
1x Grapefruit

Juicer – Hurom H320N – Find it on


🌿As a holistic health coach, I assist people on their journeys towards a life with NO extra weight, NO chronic pain and NO more unnecessary stress. Through juice feasts, a holistic raw diet and co-creative life coaching we bring body, mind and soul into alignment! You can book a FREE 30min. call with me to see if we’re a good match and figure out how we could work together.

🥥 Book a FREE Call –
🍉 Follow me on IG – @holistic.realignment
🍓 Visit my Website –

Love, light and joy!



🍓 Juicer: &
🥭 Blender:
🫐 Magimix Food Processor:
📷 Sony a6400 Camera:
⚖️ DJI Gimbal:

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