Smoothies & Juices

Alkaline Diets: Cure for Cancer or Sham?

Alkaline diets and alkaline water often come with some tall health claims so let’s look at over 20 studies for a level-headed answer. Also, where does a vegan diet land on the pH scale?
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Blood pH Range:

HCO3 Recycling and H+ Excretion for pH Balance:

Lactic Acidosis:

Age and Acidosis:

Acidity and Diet:

Study on Prehistoric Diet Acidity:

Diets High in Animal Protein and Acidosis:

Metabolic Acidosis HCO3 Levels:

Subclinical Acidosis May Stress Body in Various Ways:

Gout and Alkaline Veg Diet:

Plant-based for Chronic Kidney Disease:

1985 Study on Alkaline Diets:

Neal Barnard 2021 Vegan Diet and Acid Load Study:

Citrus and Urine ph:

“Presently, data exists that support both the proponents as well as the opponents of this [diet acidity bone loss] hypothesis.”

“Acidosis is a fundamental feature of the tumor microenvironment…”

MIT Coverage of Above Study:

“…diet-induced acidosis may influence molecular activities at the cellular level that promote carcinogenesis or tumor progression.”

Vegans have 15% lower cancer rates:

Review on Cancer and Alkaline Diets/Water:

“High intakes of fibres, flavonoids and proanthocyanidins were inversely related to various forms of cancer.”

High plant diet = 67% lower odds of breast cancer:

Intro/Outro Song: Sedução Momentânea by Roulet:

#Alkaline #Diet #Health

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