Smoothies & Juices

Best Low Sugar Green Juice Recipe for Diabetes & balancing Blood Sugar #BLOODSUGARLEVELS


This is the Best Low Sugar Green Juice Recipe! Great for those suffering from diabetes and those who want to help balance their blood sugar naturally, or along with their medications.

What do you need for this easy Recipe:
Kale πŸ₯¬
Lemon πŸ‹
Mint Leaves
Cucumbers πŸ₯’
Green Apples 🍏

This Juice is Healthy, fresh, and taste amazing! Great to add to a morning routine or evening after a workout. Full of vitamins and nutrients to keep the body operating at full capacity. Kale is very high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant that the body can turn into vitamin A.

Kale Benefits: Kale contains substances that bind bile acids and lower cholesterol levels in the body. Vitamin K is an important nutrient that is involved in blood clotting.

Lemon Benefits: Lemons are high in heart-healthy vitamin C and several beneficial plant compounds that may lower cholesterol. Lemon juice may help prevent kidney stones.

Mint Leaves Benefits: Mint leaves are anti-inflammatory in nature which helps in reducing any inflammation in your stomach. Mint leaves are rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins like C, D, E and A. Mint helps clear the congestion from your nose, throat and lungs.

Cucumber Benefits: Cucumbers are great for a flat stomach. This is because cucumber contains as much as 96 percent water content, which does not give you a bloating stomach and helps your body to cool down

Green apple Benefits: Green apples contain a compound called pectin, a fiber source that works as a prebiotic to promote the growth of healthy bacteria in your gut. Apples keep your metabolism high so eating at least one apple a day helps you burn more calories.

where to purchase Juicer:

where to buy jars :

Disclaimer: These videos and advice are not intended to substitute for medical advice and it is not a substitute for working with a doctor or health professional; they have not been evaluated by the AMA or FDA.


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