Smoothies & Juices

Cantaloupe & Pineapple Juice Recipe

This is a lovely immune system supporting juice recipe from our archive, it combines vitamin C rich fruit with warming immune supporting ginger. Cantaloupes are rich in vitamin B6 and C, pineapples have vitamin C and enzymes and of course lemons are rich in vitamin C too. The ginger gives immune and digestive support along with more anti-inflammatory power. This sweet juice is wonderful as is or you could add ice and some mineral water for a hydrating effervescent drink. Enjoy!⁣
2 inch piece of ginger⁣
1 lemon, peeled⁣
1/2 a pineapple, peel removed and cut to fit your juicer⁣
1/2 a cantaloupe, peeled, de-seeded and chopped to fit your juicer⁣

yield: approximately 20 – 24 ounces


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