Smoothies & Juices

Day 1- Raw Vegan Fitness Challenge – Run And HIIT Exercises for Vegans

This is Day 1 of the Vegan Raw Fitness Challenge:
Beginners: 7 Days Without Meat, Fowl, Seafood and Diary. Try To Eat Clean – No Box, Can, or Frozen Foods.
Intermediates: From Vegan To Raw Vegan – Try To Eat Live Foods For 7 Days
Advanced: Liquid Raw Food Fast Of Juices And Smoothies Of Live Foods.

Beginners: Fast Walk A Mile In Fresh Outdoors and Do HIIT Exercise For 20-30 sec. Rest For 20 sec.
Do 3 set of each exercise
Intermediate: Run 1/2 a mile and Fast Walk a 1/2 mile.
Do HIIT For 30-60 and rest for 30-60 sec.
Do 3 Sets of Each Exercise
Advance: Run a Mile, Do HIIT ea. for 1 min. Rest for 30 sec.
Do 3-6 sets of Ea.

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