Smoothies & Juices

Food As Medicine: Top 3 Health Hacks for Vegans, Vegetarians and Wannabes

It is widely accepted that adopting a plant-centered or plant-based diet offers numerous health benefits. If you want to optimize those benefits there are three top health hacks to help you. You will learn how to:

1. Personalize Your Food Plan- Customize your plant-centered food plan based on your nutrition status to avoid nutrient deficiencies and insufficiencies.

2. Improve Digestive Health – It’s not just what you eat, but what you digest, absorb, and assimilate. Use the power of plants to optimize digestion.

3. Balance you pH -Don’t be a junk food vegan/vegetarian. Consuming too many acidic foods can weaken your cells, compromising your health. Balancing your diet with alkaline plant-based foods will keep your body’s cells and tissues healthy.

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