Smoothies & Juices

Killing To Eat! More Dog Stew For Vegans And Vegetarians!
Have you have been Programmed, Habituated and Conditioned to need, desire and Crave meat and animal products…?
What fuels our passion for meat has nothing to do with our necessity to live. It is a condition known as gluttony. We don’t enjoy meat by eating it directly. Raw.
We have been trained to cook, boil or roasted it.
Otherwise the real purpose of frying it and seasoning is to camouflage the real “meatiness”. Flavourings and salt make it easier to eat meat. REAL Meat eaters never cook it or salt it!
We season meat to hide its real taste which is obviously closer to human flesh and blood in taste and texture.
It is a shocking programming.
It has desensitised us.
It has shifted human consciousness from divine to animal.
ARE You Chosen:
“Hereditary” Afrika that created the incredible black civilisation of ancient Egypt and all other ancient sororities established some Ethics that preserved certain Primal Knowledge.
The Use of Laws of Creation is One such Primal Knowledge Process.
Ancient shrewd sages used oral traditions and scribal cyphers to pass on these ideologies.
Khamithi Hiburu Ethics conveys ancient knowledge.
Without reservation the next generation of sages—who will lead the way for Black Afrikans Know within them that Khamithi Hiburu Ethics holds a sacred position of This Time of Today!
You Maybe the Now of preparation in this primal knowledge!
If You Know The Time.
We say Welcome Home…


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