Smoothies & Juices

Soul Singing Double Green Pasta

Double Green Pasta 😍πŸ₯¬

Cavolo Nero Pasta with Tarragon & Olive Pesto
Pasta that makes you soul dance and you immune system

The pesto can be used for soooo many things so make sure you save the recipe!



Small handful of fresh tarragon

60g fresh basil

30g fresh parsley

4 cloves of garlic

4 pitted green olives

zest of one lemon

juice from half a lemon

1 tbsp white wine vinegar

Salt & black pepper to taste

A very generous drizzle of extra virgin olive oil

Cavolo Nero Sauce

5 cavolo nero leaves

1 tbsp nutritional yeast

1/2 cup of pasta water

Salt & pepper to taste

Squeeze of fresh lemon juice

For the pesto add all ingredients into a small hand blender OR pestle and mortar and mix into a course paste. Add the olive oil last and taste for salt and pepper.

Pull cavolo nero leaves of the stem. Add the leaves to a blender. Cook down the stems in hot water until soft, then place in blender with the leaves. Then add hot pasta water to blender with lemon juice, nutritional yeast and salt and pepper. Blend until completely smooth – you could drink this.

Add sauce to cooked pasta and top with pesto and extra lemon zest to serve.

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