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The Lazy Vegans Guide To Vegan Body Transformation

I help vegans lose fat, build lean muscle, and get in the best shape of their lives.
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The Lazy Vegans Guide To Vegan Body Transformation

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You want to transform on a vegan diet yet there’s one simple problem: You’re lazy.

So you came to the right neighbourhood motherf*cker, we have cookies.

While training and nutrition can be complicated and need some sort of discipline, you can also break it down to make it really freaking simple.

This is the lazy vegan’s guide to vegan body transformation. Today I’m going to cover everything that you need to know to transform your body and become a fit vegan.

You’ll learn the best way you can transition from a meat eating diet to a vegan diet. Just as I did now nearly 5 years ago with my vegan body transformation.

You’ll learn about training frequency, training schedule and eating behavior that is optimal in getting you in your best shape as fast as possible. You’ll learn how to get a body transformation from skinny to muscle on a vegan diet. You can see the first changes in 8 weeks.

Here’s the lazy vegans body transformation plan:

1. Transitioning to a vegan diet

We start with transitioning. Let’s say you’re currently a heavy meat eater and your diet looks something like this.
Oatmeal in the morning with milk, rice and chicken breast at lunch time and pasta and chicken breast in the evening. During the day you enjoy some snickers, nice.

There are only 3 simple steps that you need to take in transitioning:

1.1 Go to amazon and search for vitamin b12 cheap vegan.

Buy 90 tablets and have them on a daily basis. Vitamin B12 is important and you don’t want to get f*cked up by not taking that.
Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to diseases affecting your brain, and you do not mess with your main controlling organ.
If you really lazy just go to your next supermarket and choose whatever b12 pill you see – that’s it.

1.2 Replace all your non-vegan foods with vegan ones

Don’t think about health at this point. Just change the non-vegan foods with vegan foods.

Instead of having milk and oatmeal for breakfast, have oatmeal and soy milk. Instead of having rice and chicken for breakfast, have rice and fake-meat chicken. Instead of having snickers aim for a vegan chocolate bar. There are plenty of options.

If you just go to your supermarket with that goal in mind to find fake-meat alternatives, this will be much easier. Or you can order online if you don’t want to move.

Also remember that you will make mistakes at this point. You will eat foods that contain eggs and milks on accident. This doesn’t matter. What matters is that you keep moving forward.
After a couple weeks on your fake-meat diet, you can look into healthier alternatives.

1.3 Healthier alternatives

Tofu for example is less processed and healthier than fake-chicken. So you switch your fake-chicken with tofu. And so on and so forth.

While eating processed vegan food might still be healthier than their animal food counterparts, do NOT rely on that diet-style too long.

Voila, some months fast forward you’re a vegan on a mission to a great freaking body. Remember, all of this should be a lifestyle, not a diet. These four words have a really bad meaning.
But just because you’re vegan right now doesn’t mean that you’ll become a fit one. There are plenty of vegans that are skinny or fat, sadly.

2. So here’s how you can transform your body on a vegan diet:

2.1 Train effectively

Especially when it comes to building muscle you need to train regularly. You need to give your muscles a reason to adapt.
The best way to do that is to join a gym. Train 3-times a week with a full-body routine, 12 repetitions, set periods of 2:30 and focused on progress.

Find someone that can guide you along this journey but really, don’t worry about making mistakes at this point. What matters is that you start.

Your training routine should not take more than 1 hour especially in the beginning, so keep it effective and sustainable.

3. Effective nutrition

There are 3 phases when it comes to body transformation, bulking, cutting and maintaining. The main differentiating factors between those phases is the amount of calories that you consume, meaning, how much food that you eat.

In the bulking phase you need to be in a caloric surplus. In the cutting phase you need to be in a caloric deficit. And while maintaining you need to be stale with your calories.

Unless you’re significantly overweight, I’d recommend most of the people to start building muscle. Bulking is also one of the most rewarding phases. 🙂

Thank you for your time and thank you for your trust. I hope you have a great day. 🙂

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