Smoothies & Juices


Being plantbased is never limiting! There are always tons of recipes to explore including this banana cereal. It’s one step up from simply peeling the banana;)
And if you get tired of chewing or are tied for time you can throw it all in the binder for a smoothie.

If you want to spice if up…cinnamon is always really yummy and helps balance blood sugar.

Raisins or dried coconut are also amazing thrown on top. The options are endless.

Simple is best when transitioning to a plantbased, mostly raw diet. Try keeping ingredients to under 3 so you are most likely to absorb the nutrients. Sometimes we can overcomplicate recipes and cause havoc in our stomach due to poor food combining. So until you got food combining down to a science, stick with simple meals, simple smoothies, and unlimited juices!

Hope you enjoy this recipe!

If you are interested in learning more plantbased recipes be sure to subscribe!
And hit the like button if you LOVE bananas!

Banana recipes welcome in the comment section!

If you want to know the Cancer reducing effects of Bananas check out…

Love, Candise

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