Smoothies & Juices

Why are people mean to vegans? | What NOT to say to meat eaters

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This video addresses the simple reason why there is so much hatred towards vegans and what we as vegans can say to improve our messaging to get people to stop eating animals and drinking their milk.

Anti-vegans have so much hatred towards vegans because they don’t believe they can give up eating animals. How many times have you heard someone say, “I could never be vegan. I could never give up meat.”

Ordering someone to do something they believe they “cannot do,” would make anyone angry. They may be angry because, how they can accomplish this impossible, unreasonable task?

I too, used to think I could never go vegan because, years ago, I thought vegans subsisted on salads and fruit.

Let me give you another example as to why I believe the reason people hate vegans is because they believe they could never give up eating beef or chicken or eggs that has nothing to do with veganism.

When I tell people that oils are not healthy and should be omitted entirely from the diet because oils can cause inflammation, blocked arteries, heart disease, insulin resistance, weight gain and lower immunity, I get an enormous backlash, even from vegans. People are furious at me for telling them that the oil they cook their foods in is harmful and they cannot use it anymore.

Why are they mad & refuse to believe me when I tell them oil is harmful to their health? Is it because they have not heard this information before? Possibly, but maybe they are angry because avoiding oils would mean they cannot eat most foods at restaurants, eat meals at their friends’ homes, and cannot make their favorite dishes the same way.

Vegans who are angry that they are told not to use oil, is the same reason why omnivores are angry at vegans: we are taking away customs, traditions, favorite foods, and making their lives more difficult.

Avoiding oil is much more difficult than avoiding animal products at restaurants or in packaged foods.

The same comparison can be made when people hear that any amount of sugar or alcohol is harmful. They don’t want to give up sugary desserts or bottle of beer or glass of wine with dinner.

People joke that, how to know a person is vegan, is that they will tell you, but the same can be said for people advocating a ketogenic diet. The keto crowd will tell you that meat is healthy, and carbs are the real enemy, which is the opposite of a vegan diet, which is why the keto clan hates vegans.

Why are keto folks attacking vegans? A vegan diet means keto is wrong, meat is wrong, avoiding carbs is wrong; in essence, they are wrong. No one likes to be wrong and no one wants to hear that their bad habits are the real reason why they are in pain, and on medication.

No one wants to believe that everything they have heard their whole lives, that we must drink milk for calcium and eat meat for its iron and protein, has been a lie. If everything you’ve believed your whole life is a lie, then who are you going to believe? What is the truth?

When someone hears they have a disease, they will go through stages of grief, which are the same stages someone goes through when they learn that the foods they thought were okay to eat are hurting them. The normal first response to grief is denial so it makes sense when a vegan tells someone that animal protein is toxic, they will deny it. After denial, the next step is anger. The information is upsetting, and this is where people lash out.

Another stage of grief is depression, finding out foods you like is off limits feels like a loss. Some people are stuck in this depression stage and don’t make changes to their diet or bad habits. This is why some diabetics drink soda and don’t test their blood sugars.



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Vegans don’t hate you. Most of us just want to help.

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