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5 Ways a Vegan Diet Can Help Parkinson's Disease

A look at over 25 studies to uncover 5 scientifically backed ways that a vegan diet can contribute to the prevention and treatment of Parkinson’s disease, ranging from dopamine precursors to promising interventiary trials.
– Links and Sources –

– @micthevegan

My Cookbook:
TIY Tiny House Channel:

1% of people over 60 has Parkinson’s:

Basic Pathology Sources:

L-Dopa before and after video:

L- Dopa Side Effects:

Study on Fiber and US population:

Fiber and L-Dopa, Vegan Diet Quote:

Tyrosine and blood–brain barrier study:

CASE STUDY 1: “dramatic response to a vegan diet.”


Synuclein Calcium Chart Source:

Calcium Blockers lower risk by 25-30%:

Plant foods 64 times the antioxidants of animal foods:

Antioxidant that cross the BBB prevent damage:

Circumin Crosses BBB:

“Elevated PD cybrid alpha-synuclein oligomer levels were also attenuated by CoQ(10) and GSH.”

Fisetin Strawberry Levels:

CASE STUDY 2 – Low Animal Fat, Fisetin and Hexacosanol:

Dopamine Neurons Regenerate:

95% of POPs from Animal Fat:

PCBs and Parkinson’s:

Heavy Metals and Synuclein:

28% US Fish mislabeled:

High Consumption of Dairy and PD:

High Consumption of Dairy and PD 2:

Vegan Diet Intervention Trial for PD:

Caffeine Study:

Paraquat upped Parkinson’s risk 2.5-fold.

11x risk if you had the genes for it:

CDC No mention of Parkinson’s on Paraquat page:

Genes and PD:

Original Source Link

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