Tips & Hacks

Beginners Guide To Going VEGAN | Merle O’Neal

I hope this beginner’s guide finds you well whether you’re 2 minutes, 2 days, or 2 years into your vegan/ plant-based journey. Every time I talk about my own philosophies behind veganism I am met with a lot of backlash. That makes me feel all the more passionate about opening the conversation. The bottom line is this is YOUR life, YOUR decision, no one can make it for you. Finding the reasons and values that are going to make going vegan or eating plant-based easier is tantamount. (all references/ resources are below!)

If you want some help along the way, join my discord:

Other socials:

~Resources Mentioned In The Video~
Movies/ Documentaries:
“Earthlings” – free online –
“Forks Over Knives”
“The Game Changer”
“Food Inc”
“Black Fish”
“My Octopus Teacher”

“The Omnivore’s Dilemma” by Michael Pollen
“Eating Animals” by Jonathan Safran Foer
“Animal Liberation” by Peter Singer
“The China Study” by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell

All Of The Vegan Food Rankings:

Your Questions About The Planet And Your Diet, Answered:

Challenge 22 (Vegan Food Guide):

Time Codes:
00:00 – Intro
0:19 – What You Need To Learn
1:33 – How To Start
2:49 – Avoiding Toxicity
4:40 – The Learning Curve
5:10 – The Essentials
4:54 – The Secret Ingredient
6:01 – Protecting Yourself
7:35 – Supplements
7:52 – Dealing With Friends & Family
9:09 – The Main Reason
9:53 – “Cheating”
10:57 – Outro

Original Source Link

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